Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Carl Moyer Year 27.pdf
- Item 3 Blue Sky Grant Extension VF23-09.pdf
- Item 4 Blue Sky Projects.pdf
- Item 6 Mini Grant Program Budget Adjustments Memorandum.pdf
- Item 7 AB 2588 Report.pdf
- Item 8 Cont Measures.pdf
- Item 9 Triennial AQAP.pdf
- Item 10 FFY 2023-2024 Compliance Update.pdf
- Item 5 Mini Grant Program Amendments.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Board of Directors Payment Authorization for Yuba County.pdf
- Item 3 Memorandum Waiver of Conflict.pdf
- Item 4 Western Weather Agreement Memorandum.pdf
- Item 5 Budget Adjustments Memorandum.pdf
- Item 6 FY22-23 Audit Memorandum.pdf
- Item 7 FY 24-25 Budget Memorandum.pdf
- Item 8 Minigrant FY23-24.pdf
- Item 9 Minigrant FY24-25.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Clarity Agreement.pdf
- Item 3 Creating Answers Agreement.pdf
- Item 4 EIDG.pdf
- Item 6 Board Member Reimbursements.pdf
- Item 7 Budget Adjustments Memorandum.pdf
- Item 8 Salary Schedule Memorandum and Resolution.pdf
- Item 9 CPI Fee Increase.pdf
- Item 10 Proposed FY24-25 Budget.pdf
- Item 11 Rule Adoption.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Memorandum Conflict of Interest.pdf
- Item 3 Hearing Board Appointment.pdf
- Item 4 Carl Moyer Year 26.pdf
- Item 5 Budget Transfers V2.pdf
- Item 6 Prescibed Fire Grant Program.pdf
- Item 7 Blue Sky Projects.pdf
- Item 8 FY 212022 Audit Memo.pdf
- Item 9 Independent Auditor RFP V2.pdf
- Item 10 AB2588 Report.pdf
- Item 11 Fencing Quotes Memorandum.pdf
- Item 12 FFY 22-23 Compliance Update.pdf
- Item 8 FY 21-22 Audit Memo V2 - Updated.docx.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Clarity.pdf
- Item 3 Creating Answers Memorandum.pdf
- Item 4 Release of Inventory.pdf
- Item 5 Prescibed Fire Grant.pdf
- Item 6 Emission Inventory Grant.pdf
- Item 7 Community Air Protection Program.pdf
- Item 8 Extend Blue Sky Grant.pdf
- Item 9 Rescind Emergency Declaration COVID-19.pdf
- Item 10 Wood Smoke Program.pdf
- Item 11 23-24 Budget.pdf
- Item 12 Budget Transfer.pdf
- Item 13 - Basic Salary Schedule for FY23-24.pdf
- Item 14 SDRMA Board of Directors Election.pdf
- Item 15 Banking Authorization.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 1 Replace Seats Held by Sutter County BOS.pdf
- Item 2 02-27-23 Minutes.pdf
- Item 3 Accept Smith & Newell Audit Proposal.pdf
- Item 4 Approval of Heraing Board Reappointment.pdf
- Item 5 Approve Resolution #2023-02 CAP Incentives Year 6.pdf
- Item 6 Adoption of Resolution #2023-03 for Yuba City-Marysville PM2.5 Second Maintenance Plan.pdf
- Item 8 Approve Resolution #2023-04 Authorizing District Participation in PARS Pension Trust.pdf
- Item 9 Receive CAP Program Update.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 1 elect Chair and Vice Chair.pdf
- Item 2 Committee Assignments.pdf
- Item 4 Carl Moyer Year 25.pdf
- Item 6 Auditors Independent Report for FY 20-21 Indepedent Audit.pdf
- Item 7 Mid Year Fiscal Update.pdf
- Item 8 Informational Item on Exceptional Event Demostrations for Wildfire Smoke Events in 2020 and 2021.pdf
- Item 9 Informational Item on Proposed Reconsideration of the NAAQS for Particulate Matter.pdf
- Item 10 Informational Item Update on Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) Update.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 FARMER Year 5.pdf
- Item 3 Conflict of Interest.pdf
- Item 4 Budget Allocation Transfer.pdf
- Item 5 Blue Sky Program Proposals.pdf
- Item 6 FFY 21-22 Compliance Update.pdf
- Item 7 AB2588 Air Toxics Hot Spots Program.pdf
- Item 8 Brown Employment Agreement.pdf
- Item 9 Employment Agreement Non Supervisory.pdf
- Item 10 Employment Agreement Supervisory.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 RGS Contract Amendment.pdf
- Item 3 negotiator.pdf
- Item 4 Final Budget Approval.pdf
- Item 5 Regulation 1, Rule 1.3 Emergency Declaration.pdf
- Item 6 ADD Agreement for Database Upgrades.pdf
- Item 7 Budget Amendment for HVAC Replacement.pdf
- Item 8 Burn Program Summary and Investigative Process.pdf
- Item 9 Mini Grant Program Annual Update.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Carl Moyer Yr 24 State Reserve Funds.pdf
- Item 3 CAP Program.pdf
- Item 4 CAP Incentive Program Year 4.pdf
- Item 5 AB197 Year 5.pdf
- Item 6 Prescribed Fire.pdf
- Item 7 ADD Agreement.pdf
- Item 8 Clarity Agreement.pdf
- Item 9 Creating Answers Agreement.pdf
- Item 10 Letter in Support of AB2878.pdf
- Item 11 Letter in Support of SB109.pdf
- Item 12 Audit Proposal.pdf
- Item 13 Independent Audit.pdf
- Item 14 Proposed Budget.pdf
- Item 15 Basic Salary Schedule FY 2022-2023.pdf
- Item 16 Budget Allocation Transfers.pdf
- Item 17 Board Member Reimbursements.pdf
- Item 18 Feather River West Levee Proposed Tax Assessment.pdf
- Item 19 Updated Job Descriptions.pdf
- Item 20 - Burn Program Summary and Investigative Process.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 1 Teleconference Resolution.pdf
- Item 3 FARMER Memo.pdf
- Item 4 CAP Yr 3 Sup Funding.pdf
- Item 5 Conflict of Interest Resolution.pdf
- Item 6 Blue Sky.pdf
- Item 7 Compliance & Enforcement Program Update.pdf
- Item 8 H.R. 5899 Support Letter.pdf
- Item 9 Budget Allocation Transfer.pdf
- Item 10 AB2588 Report.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 ADD Contract - ERCs Managment System.pdf
- Item 3 ADD Contract - Burn Permit Prep.pdf
- Item 4 ADD Contract - Source Data Agreement.pdf
- Item 5 Memo Emission Inv Grant.pdf
- Item 5 Resolution 2021-09 Emissions Inv Grant.pdf
- Item 6 YSTA Grants Consolidation.pdf
- Item 7 Adoption of Final Budget FY21-22 Memorandum.pdf
- Item 7 Final Budget Documents.pdf
- Item 8 Basic Salary Schedule FY21-22 Memorandum.pdf
- Item 8 Resolution 2021-08 Basic Salary Resolution & Exhibit A.pdf
- Item 1 Memorandum Teleconference Resolution #2021-10 (Reviewed).pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Creating Answers.pdf
- Item 2 Creating Answers Agreement.pdf
- Item 3 - ADD.pdf
- Item 3 - ADD Agreement.pdf
- Item 4 - RGS.pdf
- Item 4 - RGS Agreement.pdf
- item 5 - Clarity.pdf
- Item 5 - Clarity Estimate.pdf
- Item 5 - Node S Specifications Sheet.pdf
- Item 6-Merged Request for Fee Waiver, Elite Universal Security.pdf
- Item 7 Public Hearing Nonattainment New Source Review Certification.pdf
- Item 8 AB 617 Admin Funding Year 4.pdf
- Item 9 - Asbestos.pdf
- Item 10 Stationary Diesel Engine Project Plan.pdf
- Item 11 Proposed Budget.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 - Blue Sky Committee Memo Recommendation.pdf
- Item 3 - Hearing Board Appointment.pdf
- Item 4 - PFIRS Presentation.pdf
- Item 5 - Establish new Board Committee.pdf
- Item 6 - Compliance Update.pdf
- Item 7 - AB2588 Report.pdf
- Item 8 - Budget Transfer (insurance).pdf
- Item 9 - Budget Transfer (legal).pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Creating Answers phase 2.pdf
- Item 4 - Hearing Bd appt.pdf
- Item 5 Carl Moyer RAP Yr 22 memorandum.pdf
- Item 5 Carl Moyer RAP Yr 22 Resolution.pdf
- Item 6 AB 617 Admin Funding memoramdum.pdf
- Item 6 2020-03 Community Air Protection Program Year 3.pdf
- Item 7 A-Q Planner I.pdf
- Item 7 Attachment.pdf
- Item 8 Planning Engineering Manager.pdf
- Item 9 job description memo.pdf
- Item 9 attachment.pdf
- Item 10 Dual fill ASO position.pdf
- Item 11 Memorandum.pdf
- Item 11 2020-04 Salary Resolution.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 - Blue Sky.pdf
- Item 3 - City of Yuba City VF 17-04 Extension.pdf
- Item 4 - City of Yuba City VF 18-05 Extension.pdf
- Item 5 - Conflict of Interest.pdf
- Item 6 - Hot Spots.pdf
- Item 7 - Bump Up Ozone Classification.pdf
- Item 8 - FARMER Year 3.pdf
- Item 9 - Vehicle Purchase.pdf
- Item 10 - Compliance Program.pdf
- Item 11 - Open Burn Program.pdf
- Item 15 - Employment Agreement Brown.pdf
- Item 16 - Employee Agreement - Employee's.pdf
- Item 17 - Employee Agreement - Supervisors.pdf
- Item 1 - Minutes 10-07-19.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Audit.pdf
- Item 2 Independent audit.pdf
- Item 3 AB2766 Dinner Series.pdf
- Item 3 LGC request letter.pdf
- Item 4 Memorandum Final Budget.pdf
- Item 4 Final Budget.pdf
- Item 5 SDRMA Election Ballot Memorandum.pdf
- Item 5 SDRMA Ballot-Resolution.pdf
- Item 5 Candidate's Statements.pdf
- Item 6 Mini Grants Informational Item.pdf
- Item 7 Info SIP.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Moyer State Reserve.pdf
- Item 2 Resolution #2017-08 Carl Moyer Year 19 State Reserve.pdf
- Item 3 Budget Transfers.pdf
- Item 6 Employment Agreement Memorandum.pdf
- Item 6 Brown Employment Agreement final.pdf
- Item 7 EAP Memorandum.pdf
- Item 7 Resolution #2017-05.pdf
- Item 8 EPMC Memorandum.pdf
- Item 8 EPMC Resolution #2017-03.pdf
- Item 9 Tax Defer EPMC Memorandum.pdf
- Item 9 Tax Defer Member Paid Contributions Resolution #2017-04.pdf
- Item 10 Salary Memorandum.pdf
- Item 11 Memorandum Proposed Budget.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- item 2 elect chair and vice chair.pdf
- item 3 committees.pdf
- Item 5 Server.pdf
- item 6 New Fund acct. budget transfer.pdf
- Item 7 Hearing Board Appt.pdf
- Item 8 Memo Grant Programs.pdf
- Item 9 Memo Woodsmoke Reduction Program.pdf
- Item 9 Resolution #2017-01 Woodstove Program.pdf
- Item 10 Memo Carl Moyer Yr 19.pdf
- Item 10 Resolution #2017-02 Carl Moyer Year 19.pdf
- Item 11 Amend VF13-04 YC Bike Lanes.pdf
Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 2 Amend VF15-02 YSTA Bus Pass.pdf
- Item 3 Blue Sky Grants Memo.pdf
- Item 4 Conflict Memorandum.pdf
- Item 4 Resolution 2016-07 Conflict of Interest- County Counsel.pdf
- Item 5 cancel regular meeting 02-06-17.pdf
- Item 5 reschedule February meeting.pdf
- Item 10 emp-dist agree.pdf
- Item 11 ASO and Comp Supvisor Me too.pdf