Blue Sky Grant Program
The Blue Sky Grant Program is no longer accepting applications. Please check back in July 2025.
Information on Previous Program:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Feather River Air Quality Management District is soliciting proposals for projects for the Blue Sky Program. Eligible projects for the Blue Sky Program include those that will reduce air pollution from motor vehicles or support the District’s planning, monitoring, or enforcement programs, school bus retrofit and replacements projects, and technical studies necessary to implement the California Clean Air Act. The District has approximately $116,000 available as grant funding for AB 2766 eligible projects and $276,000 for AB 923 eligible projects. The Request for Proposals is available for download from the District’s website at or by contacting the District at 530‑634-7659. The District shall hold a public workshop on the Blue Sky and CAP Program at 10:00 AM on September 12, 2024, at the District office. The public workshop will have a hybrid option to join the meeting virtually via Zoom. Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM, Monday October 21, 2024, by mail or drop box at the District office: 541 Washington Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991, Attn: Blue Sky Program or CAP Program
Information on 2024/2025 Program
The Distict will be holding a public workshop on the Blue Sky Grant Program on at 10 AM on Thursday September 12, 2024. The District will be hosting the meeting in-person at the District office with an option to attend the meeting virtually or by telephone through Zoom.
Blue Sky & Community Air Incentives Public Workshop PresentationRecording of the Public Workshop:
Passcode: Rw.^9tZF
The Request for Proposals will be open August 21, 2024 to October 21, 2024. Proposals are due by 5:00 pm on Monday October 21, 2024. Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered by the deadline to:
Feather River Air Quality Management District
541 Washington Avenue
Yuba City, Ca 95991
The District has $116,000 available in AB 2766 funding and $276,000 available in AB 923 funding.
All projects must be approved by the District Board and have a fully signed and executed contract.
Applications and RFP:
RFP for Blue Sky ProgramAB 2766 Application AB 2766 Application (Fillable PDF)School Bus Replacement ApplicationSchool Bus Replacement Application (Fillable PDF)
Background Information On Blue Sky Program
The District receives a portion of the annual vehicle registration fees ($4) from the Department of Motor Vehicles through legislation authorized under Assembly Bill 2766 (Sher, 1990). The AB 2766 program provides incentive funding for projects that reduce onroad and offroad motor vehicle pollutant emissions (mainly oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and to a lesser extent particulate matter (PM10).
Examples of successful projects may include:
- Awarding the difference in cost of replacing (repowering) an old dirty diesel engine with a new zero emission or alternative fueled engine.
- Projects that reduce vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) such as bicycle lanes, vanpools, shuttles and transit buses and associated infrastructure.
- New alternative fueled vehicles including natural gas powered school buses, street sweepers, and transit buses.
- Educational programs designed to educate the general public about mobile source emission reduction strategies.
- Liquefied and compressed natural gas or electric vehicle infrastructure projects.
Funding may also be allocated for District related programs, including land use and transportation planning, monitoring, enforcement, and technical studies necessary for implementation of the California Clean Air Act.
Section 44225 of the Health and Safety Code (AB 923), amended in 2004, authorized the District to increase the motor vehicle registration fee to $6 per vehicle. The District Board of Directors approved the fee increase in December 2005. The fee increase provides funding for specific project types, which include:
- New purchase of school bus pursuant to the Lower Emission School Bus Guidelines developed by the Air Resources Board.
- Natural gas fuel tank replacements.
- Refueling infrastructure maintenance.
- Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program.
Resources for Blue Sky Applications
AB 2766
Air Resources Board 1998 Criteria and Guidelines for the Use of Motor Vehicle Registration Fees: The Guidelines document contains the Criteria and Guidelines for the AB 2766 program. Appendix A contains examples of successful projects. Appendix B contains motor vehicle registration fee statutes.
- IMPORTANT: Use the "load factors" found in the "Carl Moyer Program Guidelines" below, when performing calculations (or contact the District for assistance). The Moyer load factors are more current.
Methodologies found in the CARB Carl Moyer Program Guidelines may also be used for cost-effectiveness evaluations.
AB 923
AB 923 projects should utilize the Lower Emission School Bus Program Guidelines or the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.
For more information please contact Peter Angelonides at or (530) 324-6964.