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Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

The Carl Moyer Program is now closed. The Feather River Air Quality Management District estimates it will have up to $646,000 available for Carl Moyer Program eligible projects operating in Yuba and Sutter counties. Applications will be available for download starting January 17, 2025, at the District’s website or can be picked up at the District office. Completed applications can be submitted via email to Application will be accepted by mail to the District office at 541 Washington Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991. Completed applications may also be placed in the mail slot at the District office. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm on Monday March 24, 2025. 


Eligible projects include off-road equipment repower or replacement, zero-emission UTVs, and stationary/portable agricultural irrigation engine repowers. Only one application is accepted per year. For more information, please attend the public workshop on Thursday February 6, 2025, at 2:00 pm. The public workshop will be held virtually using Zoom and will also be assessable by telephone. In addition, the District will hold drop-in virtual and telephone meetings to assist interested applicants.


All applications submitted will be reviewed for completeness within 30 days of submittal, and all complete applications received by March 24, 2025, will be placed in a random draw for project selection. For more information on the Program, workshop, or drop-in meetings visit or call (530) 634-7659 ext 209.


old tractor in a young orchard

General Information on Carl Moyer Program:

The equipment must operate in Yuba or Sutter County.  If the equipment does not operate in Yuba or Sutter County, please go to the appropriate air district's website for information on their program here.

The purpose of the Carl Moyer program is to reduce air pollution emissions by providing grants for the incremental cost of cleaner vehicles and equipment. The program focuses on the replacement of older heavy-duty diesel engines with electric, alternative fuel, or cleaner diesel technology, and does not include projects that are less than 25 horsepower, required by law, or regulated by an air district Permit to Operate, such as stationary diesel-powered electric generators. Private companies, public agencies, and the general public that operate heavy-duty diesel engines in Yuba and Sutter counties may apply for incentive funds.  All projects approved for funding must meet the CARB and FRAQMD program guidelines. The curent Carl Moyer Guidelines in effect are the CARB's 2024 Guidelines and can be reviewed and downloaded from the CARB's web site: Guidelines

Carl Moyer Year 27 Guidelines


The public workshop for the Carl Moyer and FARMER Grant Programs will be hosted at the District office at 541 Washington Avenue in Yuba City on Thursday February 6th, 2024 at 2:00 PM. A copy of the presentation will be posted after the public workshop is held. Also, a recording of the public workshop will be posted as well. 

Public Workshop Presentation


Link to Recording:

Passcode: A8HJc9#+


Year 27 Project Selection:

1.     All complete applications as of 5:00 pm on March 24, 2025, shall be assigned a number.

2.     The numbers shall be entered into a random number generator by district staff. 

3.     Applications selected by the random number generator shall be reviewed for eligibility, cost-effectiveness and the amount of funding they are eligible for.  Ineligible applications will not be funded.

4.     Applications for uncontrolled (Tier 0) baseline engines and Tier 1 baseline engines from the Off Road Equipment Replacement Program, and Zero-Emission UTV projects will  be submitted to the random number generator before Tier 2 baseline engines.  After all other eligible project types have been drawn, Tier 2 baseline engines from the Off ROad Equipment Replacement Program shall enter the random draw.

5.     The tentative award letters should be mailed to applicants in May 2025.


Examples of Eligibile Projects:

  • Diesel engines/equipment between 25 and 750 horsepower
  • Stationary Diesel Agricultural Engines (limited opportunities for Tier 1 and Tier 2 diesel engine repowers, conversion to electric motors, limited opportunities for Tier 0)
  • Agricultural off-road equipment repower, retrofit, or replacements
  • Portable agricultural equipment replacement
  • Other (non-Ag) off-road equipment repower, retrofit, or replacement (must submit DOORS documentation showing compliance date)

Please note that Carl Moyer funding cannot pay for compliance with a regulation.  In most cases, projects must be completed at least 3 years prior to a compliance deadline.  For equipment regulated by the CARB's Off-Road or On-Road Diesel Regulations, the applicant must provide proof to the District that the fleet is in compliance with the regulation.  For Stationary agricultural irrigation engine projects, engines must be registered with the District to received funding.

Printable Application Forms for Program Participants: 

Ag Pump Repower & Electrify Off-Road Repower & RetrofitOff-Road Equipment ReplacementZero-Emission UTV (FARMER Program)Off-Road Equipment Replacement Supplemental Horsepower Increase Request 


Fillable Application Forms for Program Particpants:

Ag Pump Repower & ElectrifyOff-Road Repower & RetrofitOff-Road Equipment Replacement Zero-Emission UTV (FARMER Program)Off-Road Equipment Replacement Supplemental Horsepower Increase Request 


Forms for Program Participants: 

List of Salvage YardsProcess for Grant Participants Off-Road Equipment Replacement Projects


For information on the CARB's Diesel Regulations, please visit their website here.


For information on District Ag Engine Registration Program, please click here.


For more information, please contact Peter Angelonides, Planner II at (530) 634-7659 ext 209, or by email at