Mini Grant Program
The Mini Grant Program will begin accepting applications at 8:00 AM on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
The purpose of the Mini Grant Program is to fund projects that provide an air quality benefit in Yuba and Sutter counties by reducing emissions from cars and trucks, or that reduce vehicle miles traveled, and have a low cost and quick turnaround. Projects are awarded first come/first served, and applications will be accepted until June 2, 2025, or until all funding has been allocated.
The Program allocation for this 2025 was $25,000 and no individual project can receive more than $3,000. For more information, please email
Purpose and Background
The Mini Grant Program is funded by fees paid to the Department of Motor Vehicles for vehicle registration. The purpose of the Mini Grant Program is to fund projects that provide an air quality benefit in Yuba and Sutter counties by reducing emissions generated by registered vehicles, with a relatively low cost and quick turnaround. The Mini Grant Program was initially authorized by the FRAQMD Board of Directors on August 3, 2015. The Program allocation for this year (FY 2024/2025) is $25,000 from the FRAQMD’s AB2766 funding (section 44220 through 44247 of the California Health and Safety Code). No individual project can receive more than $3,000.
Types of Eligible Projects
The types of projects that are eligible to apply for the Mini Grants must reduce vehicle miles travelled directly or through public education programs. The projects should benefit the people of Yuba and Sutter Counties. Ideal projects will tie into larger efforts to reduce pollution from motor vehicles.
Examples of eligible projects for the Mini Grant Program include:
- May Is Bike Month energizer stations in Yuba/Sutter counties Up to $200 per station
- The purchase of flags to initiate the School Flag Program ( up to 100% cost of flags
- Funding for publicly accessible bicycle racks up to 100% cost of racks and installation
- Grants for teachers to provide air quality curriculums
- “Kickstarter” grants for larger bicycle and pedestrian projects
- Publicly available electric vehicle charging stations
Projects should not be for personal gain or required by any law, statue, or court order. Projects that may result in a conflict of interest will not be funded. Projects must provide a benefit to the general population of Sutter and Yuba counties and should not be for the primary benefit of the individual or organization submitting the application. Projects that are denied by staff may appeal to the FRAQMD Board of Directors by submitting a written appeal to the Clerk of the Board at least 15 day prior to the next regular meeting of the Board.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can submit applications for a Mini Grant beginning at 8:00 AM on Friday March 7, 2025.
Download the Application Here:
Mini Grant ApplicationMini Grant Application Fillable Version
The Application can also be mailed upon request by calling the FRAQMD office at (530) 634-7659 ext 201 and asking for a "Mini Grant Application." Applications will be accepted until June 2, 2025, or whenever funding has been fully allocated. Completed Applications should be delivered to the FRAQMD office at 541 Washington Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991, or emailed to
Application Process for Air Quality Curriculums, “Kickstarter” Grants, and Projects not Otherwise Defined:
1. Complete the Application and submit it to FRAQMD ASAP but no later than June 2, 2025. The applicant should clearly identify the goals of grant project, identify the timeline for implementation, and if applicable, the larger project that the Mini Grant will initiate. Management/implementation costs may not exceed 25% of the total cost.
2. FRAQMD will review the Application and send you a letter specifying whether the Application is approved, requesting more information, or denying the Application within 15 business days.
3. For Applications that are approved, carry out the project as described.
4. Complete the Post Event Wrap Up and submit it to FRAQMD along with copies of your itemized receipts. The Post Event Wrap Up must be received within one year of Application approval.
5. FRAQMD will have your check available in approximately two weeks.
Application Process for Energizer Stations:
The Mini Grant will allow up to $200 as a reimbursement to a project applicant to host an energizer station, for example during SACOG's regional event May Is Bike Month 2025. Applications no longer have to list the date and location of each station, only the number of stations intended.
- Complete the Application and submit to FRAQMD ASAP but no later than June 2, 2025. If the energizer station is not part of SACOG's regional May is Bike Month 2025 event, describe on the Application how you will promote the station and if it's part of a larger event or outreach effort.
- The FRAQMD will send you an award letter guaranteeing up to $100 reimbursement of eligible energizer station supplies. Eligible supplies include: Drinks (coffee, juice, water, etc.) Snacks (fruit, yogurt, granola bars, etc.) Napkins, cups, flatware Ineligible supplies that are not reimbursable include: Staff time to man the energizer stations Tables, chairs, tents, or table cloths
- Submit your energizer station to the May Is Bike Month official calendar at, if the station is part of SACOG's regional May is Bike Month 2025 event.
- Hold your energizer station and record how many visitors, how the visitors heard about the station, and if they rode their bike today because of the station.
- Complete the Post Event Wrap Up and submit it to FRAQMD along with copies of your receipts for eligible supplies. The Post Event Wrap Up must be received within one year of Application approval.
- FRAQMD will have your check available in approximately two weeks.
Application Process for School Flag Program:
The Mini Grant will reimburse a school or group affiliated with a school for the purchase of flags to initiate the School Flag Program as described on the Airnow website maintained by the U.S.EPA: The Grant will reimburse up to 100% of the cost of the Flags including shipping and taxes. Not included in the Grant will be the staff time purchasing the flags or the implementation of the program.
1. Complete the Application and submit it to FRAQMD ASAP but no later than June 2, 2025
2. FRAQMD will send you an award letter guaranteeing reimbursement of eligible expenses.
3. Purchase the flags.
4. Register your school at
5. Complete the Post Event Wrap Up and submit it to FRAQMD along with copies of your itemized receipts for the flags. The Post Event Wrap Up must be received within one year of Application approval.
6. FRAQMD will have your check available in approximately two weeks.
Application Process for Publicly Accessible Bicycle Racks or Electric Vehicle Charging Station:
The Mini Grant will reimburse a commercial property owner or public agency 100% of the cost to purchase and install one or more bicycle racks or electric vehicle charging stations, up to $3,000. The racks/stations must be easily accessible to the general public, located where the public would utilize a them (not a personal residence), and located within Yuba or Sutter counties. If a commercial property renter is applying, you must submit written proof that you have gained the permission of the property owner to install the rack.
1. Complete the Application and attach a quote and map showing location for bicycle rack or charging station.
2. FRAQMD will send you an award letter guaranteeing reimbursement of eligible expenses.
3. Purchase and install the bicycle rack or charging station.
4. Complete the Post Event Wrap Up and submit it to FRAQMD along with copies of your itemized receipts and a photo showing the rack/station installed, within one year from Application approval.
5. FRAQMD will have your check available in approximately two weeks.
How Projects Will Be Awarded
Projects will be awarded first come/first serve based on when the application is received by the FRAQMD if they are deemed to be eligible for the Mini Grant Program. Applications will be accepted beginning at 8:00 am on Friday March 7, 2025. Applications can be submitted until June 2, 2025. Applications will no longer be accepted once the available funding is awarded.
The FRAQMD will review the Applications and deem them eligible or ineligible within 15 business days. The FRAQMD will send a notice of such determination and an award letter if eligible by mail or email as provided on the Application. The award letter will identify any additional instructions based on the project type as appropriate.
All projects should be completed and Post Event Wrap Ups submitted to the FRAQMD within one year from Application approval.
All awarded Mini Grant Program projects will be reported to the FRAQMD Board of Directors.
Forms Available for Download
Mini Grant Program GuidelinesMini Grant Program Final Reporting Form
Contact Information
For more information please contact Peter Angelonides, Air Quality Planner, at (530) 634-7659 ext 209 or email