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Woodstove and Fireplace Insert Grants

Starting February 20, 2024, the Woodsmoke Reduction Grant Program will begin accepting applications.

The Woodsmoke Reduction Program (Program) is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities. Assembly Bill 32 committed $5,000,000 in funding for replacing uncertified, inefficient wood burning devices with cleaner burning and more efficient devices. The Program is designed to help households replace an uncertified wood stove or insert used as the primary source of heat with a cleaner burning and more efficient device.

Map to determine if you are in an Enchanced Incentive Voucher community

An uncertified wood stove or insert is one that has not been certified by the U.S. EPA to comply with the performance and emission standards as defined in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart AAA, February 28, 1988, or any subsequent revisions.

Devices located within disadvantaged communities or low-income communities as defined on this map qualify for the Enhanced Incentive Voucher. The Enhanced Incentive Voucher covers up to $5,000 for a new pellet, wood-burning, and electric stove devices or $10,000 for new electric heat pump installations.  Low-income households outside of these areas also quality for the Enhanced Incentive Voucher.  To qualify as low-income, the household must show proof of enrollment in a low-income assistance program (WIC, LIHEAP, CARE) or have a household income at or below 80 percent of the statewide median household income (currently at $67,277).  Remaining residents outside the map areas are eligible for the Standard Voucher of $2,500 towards the purchase and installation of a new EPA certified pellet stove device, wood-burning devices,  or electric stove device or $5,000 for new electric heat pump installations. Please be aware that the standard voucher amount will not cover the entire cost of the new EPA certified device, installation, required permits, and any code updgrades that may be required. 

Once you receive a voucher, you must make a commitment to purchase a new device from a participating retailer within 4 weeks. The new device must be installed by a licensed contractor and meet local fire and building codes; do-it-yourself installations are NOT allowed under this program.  

This program is not a rebate program.  If you buy the device without receiving a voucher first, then the device is not eligible for the program.

Open hearth fireplaces may be eligible for the Program if the fireplace is used as a primary source of heat.  Documentation will be required such as photographs of the wood pile, receipts for maintenance for a chainsaw, a wood cutting permit, copies of energy bills showing a reduction in usage from summer to winter indicating that electricity and/or gas were not the primary source of heat.

The Woodsmoke Reduction Program is administered by the Feather River Air Quality Management District in coordination with the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The CARB also maintains a website and has adopted guidelines for program implementation at  Woodsmoke Reduction Program | California Air Resources Board.

Woodsmoke Reduction  Program  Work PlanVoucher Application ChecklistVoucher Application (printable form)Voucher Application  (fillable  form)Supplemental Owner/Tenant Agreement Form


Participating Dealers for Year 3 as of January 24, 2025:

CAPO Building Specialties, 2288 Park Ave, Suite B, Chico, CA 95928

Chico Fireplace & Woodstove, 3029 Esplanade, #11, Chico, CA 95973

Heat Tech, 867 Hwy 99, Gridley, CA 95948

Royal Aire, INC. 2530 Zanella Way, Suite A, Chico, CA 95928

Gallagher's Plumbing, Heating & Air, 11101 Trade Center Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Sierra Timberline 324 Idaho Maryland Road, Grass Valley, CA 95945


Some retailers are in process.. Additional retailers will be added as they complete the participation requirements.


Please contact the District at (530) 634-7659 or at if you have questions regarding the program.