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Stoplight: Check Before You Burn Program


May contain: light
Today's action is N/A - Check Before You Burn Runs from November through February annually. 

There is no recommended wood heating curtailment in effect today.

From November 1 to February 28, Yuba and Sutter county residents are asked to check the recommended action prior to lighting up a wood burning device. The recommended action will be posted on the District's website by 3:00 pm for the following day.  Recommended actions will also be sent along with air quality forecasts through EnviroFlash.  If the air is forecasted to be unhealthy, residents with alternative forms of heat will be asked to forego the wood stove or fireplace.

Recommended actions may be:

  • Green - Residential wood heating devices (fireplace/woodstove) ok
  • Yellow - Residential wood burning recommended in certified/exempt devices only
  • Red - All residential wood burning requested to cease


The recommended action issued under the Stoplight: Check Before You Burn Program applies to indoor wood fired heating devices such as woodstoves and fireplaces.  For outdoor burning, please visit