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Public Notice for Sweco Permit 11065

Public Notice of Application for a Permit to Construct a Source of Hazardous Air Emissions


TO: The parents and/or guardians of children enrolled at:

Brittan Elementary School

All residential and business neighbors located within 1,000 feet of:

2455 Palm Street, Sutter, CA 95982



The Feather River Air Quality Management District is a local agency that regulates stationary sources of air pollution such as manufacturing facilities, coating operations, and gasoline stations. State law requires that the Air District must notify the public when it receives a permit application for a new or modified source of toxic air contaminants located within 1,000 feet of a school site. To comply with this requirement, the Air District distributes a Public Notice to the parents or guardians of students enrolled at schools located within one-quarter mile of the proposed source, and all residents and businesses located within 1,000 feet of the proposed source.


A description of the proposed project:

Sweco Products Inc. has applied for an Authority to Construct/Permit to increase painting and mild steel cutting operations located at 2455 Palm Street in Sutter, CA. A plasma cutter and oxyfuel cutting table will be used to cut the mild steel. The plasma cutter consists of a power supply, an arc starting console, and a plasma torch. The oxyfuel cutting table consists of fuel gases, and a cutting torch. Steel cutting operations emit air contaminants including oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter, arsenic, cadmium, manganese, nickel, phosphorus, lead, antimony, and selenium. The paint used at this facility emits volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and toxic air contaminants such as Parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF).


The District is currently evaluating the application and hereby invites written public comment in accordance with California Health and Safety Code 42301.6.  Written comments must be received on or before May 20, 2024. Please address written comments to:


Christopher D. Brown AICP - Air Pollution Control Officer

Feather River Air Quality Management District

541 Washington Avenue

Yuba City, California 95991


For further information regarding the project, contact Wyllyam Escobedo, Air Quality Engineer, at (530) 634-7659 ext. 212.