Community Air Protection Incentive Funds
The Community Air Protection Incentive Program is no longer accepting applications. Please check back again in July 2025.
The District is reviewing Year 6 applications.
Information on Year 6 Program:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Feather River Air Quality Management District is soliciting proposals for for Year 6 of the Community Air Protection (CAP) Program. Eligible projects for the CAP Program include on-road vehicle and off-road equipment replacement projects, projects that reduce air pollution in schools, stationary diesel engines, and zero emission infrastructure projects. The District has $992,368 available for CAP eligible projects. The Request for Proposals is available for download from the District’s website at or by contacting the District at 530‑634-7659. The District shall hold a public workshop on the Blue Sky and CAP Program at 10:00 AM on September 12, 2024, at the District office. The public workshop will have a hybrid option to join the meeting virtually via Zoom. Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM, Monday October 21, 2024, by mail or drop box at the District office: 541 Washington Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991, Attn: Blue Sky Program or CAP Program

In response to Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017), the California Governor and Legislature authorized funding to achieve emission reductions in the communities most impacted by air pollution.
Map to determine if you are in a Disadvantaged or Low Income community
The District is accepting applications for CAP Incentives Year 6 until 5:00 pm on Monday, October 21, 2024.
General ApplicationOff Road ApplicationOn Road ApplicationSchool Bus Application
More Information on Eligible Project Types:
Air Filtration Flyer
The District held a public workshop on Thursday, October 21, 2024, at 10:00 am on the Program. The workshop recording will be posted here after the presentation has been completed. The CAP Incentive Year 6 has approximately $992,368 available for eligible projects. The Program will be administered in accordance with the updated Policy and Procedures for the Program:
Policy and Procedures Year 6 Final with ExhibitsBlue Sky & Community Air Incentives Public Workshop PresentationRecording of the Public Workshop:
Passcode: Rw.^9tZF
Other Guidelines and policy documents include: Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program in accordance with the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines and the Community Air Protection Funds Supplement to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program 2017 adopted by CARB in April 2018.
The projects should be located in and directly benefit SB 535 and AB 1550 communities.
Here is a link to the California Climate Investments website for the Annual Report to the Legislature: and a link to the CARB website for the online map:
Previous CAP Incentives Program Solicitations
September 8, 2023: Tentative grant awards for Year 5 of the CAP Incentive Program are:
Project # | Applicant Name | Description | Location | Funding Awarded |
CAP5-2 | Marysville School District | Replace 2 school buses | DAC | $329,163.29 |
CAP5-9 | City of Live Oak | Replace off-road equipment | LIC | $5,971.788 |
CAP5-10 | Wheatland High School District | Replace 1 school bus | DAC | $165,000 |
CAP5-11 | Wheatland High School District | Replace 1 school bus | DAC | $165,000 |
CAP5-12 | Yuba Environmental Science Charter Academy | Additional funding for bus charging station | DAC | $25,000 |
CAP5-13 | Yuba Environmental Science Charter Academy | Replace lawn/garden equipment | LIC | $3,500 |
CAP5-16 | Sutter County Superintendent of Schools | Install new electric vehicle charging stations | LIC | $70,000 |
CAP5-17 | City of Marysville | Install new electric vehicle charging stations | DAC | $350,000 |
CAP3-10 | City of Yuba City | Additional funding for electric vehicle charging stations | DAC | $33,140.28 |
The District is waiting on information from the CARB on the CAP5-1 Camptonville Union Elementary School District application to replace a snow blower. The other projects have not been awarded funding at this time.
July 14, 2023 The District received the following applications for Year 5 CAP Incentives:
Project # | Applicant | Description | Eligible and W/in DAC/LIC | Amount Requested |
CAP5-1 | Camptonville Union ESD | Zero Emission Lawn and Garden at Schools | Yes, within LIC | $55,000 |
CAP5-2 | Marysville Joint USD | Replace 3 diesel school buses | Yes, within DAC | $495,000 |
CAP5-3 | Thiara Brothers | Replace diesel truck with diesel truck | Not eligible | |
CAP5-4 | Thiara Brothers | Replace diesel truck with diesel truck | Not eligible | |
CAP5-5 | Thiara Brothers | Replace diesel truck with diesel truck | Not eligible | |
CAP5-6 | Thiara Brothers | Replace off-road equipment | Not eligible | |
CAP5-7 | Thiara Brothers | Replace off-road equipment | Not eligible | |
CAP5-8 | Empire Farming Company | Replace off-road equipment | Not eligible | |
CAP5-9 | City of Live Oak | Replace off-road equipment | Yes, within LIC | $29,081.92 |
CAP5-10 | Wheatland Union High SD | Replace diesel school bus | Yes, within LIC | $165,000 |
CAP5-11 | Wheatland Union High SD | Replace diesel school bus | Yes, within LIC | $165,000 |
CAP5-12 | Yuba Environmental Science Charter Academy | Electric vehicle charging station | Yes, within LIC | $25,000 |
CAP5-13 | Yuba Environmental Science Charter Academy | Zero Emission Lawn and Garden at Schools | Yes, within LIC | $5,000 |
CAP5-14 | Wheatland Elementary SD | Replace diesel school bus | Yes, within LIC | $165,000 |
CAP5-15 | Wheatland Elementary SD | Replace diesel school bus | Yes, within LIC | $165,000 |
CAP5-16 | Sutter County Superintendent of Schools | Electric vehicle charging stations | Yes, LIC DAC TBD | $350,000 |
CAP5-17 | City of Marysville | Electric vehicle charging stations | Yes, within DAC | $350,000 |
Total | $1,929,881.92 |
Year 3 Applications Received:
Number Applicant Type of Project Located in DAC/LIC $ Eligible
CAP3-1 City of Yuba City Wheel Loader DAC $11,685.56
CAP3-2 MJUSD School Bus 34 DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-3 MJUSD School Bus 36 DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-4 MJUSD School Bus 37 DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-5 MJUSD School Bus 38 DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-6 YES Charter Academy EVSE DAC $15,000.00
CAP3-7 WSD School Bus 22 LIC $165,000.00
CAP3-8 Wheatland High SD School Bus 9 LIC $165,000.00
CAP3-9 Habitat For Humanity EVSE DAC $27,930.00
CAP3-10 City of Yuba City EVSE DAC $157,500.00
CAP3-11 WSD School Bus #8 LIC $165,000.00
Tentative Grant Awards:
Number Applicant Category Tentative Award
CAP3-1 City of Yuba City Directly benefits DAC $11,685.56
CAP3-6 YES Charter Academy Directly benefits DAC $15,000.00
CAP3-9 Habitat For Humanity Directly benefits DAC $27,930.00
CAP3-10 City of Yuba City Directly benefits DAC $157,500.00
CAP3-2 MJUSD Directly benefits DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-3 MJUSD Directly benefits DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-4 MJUSD Directly benefits DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-5 MJUSD Directly benefits DAC $165,000.00
CAP3-11 WSD Directly benefits LIC $165,000.00
Project Ranking and Recommended Funding Aug 17 2022.pdfCAP Year 3 Award Spreadsheet.pdf
Year 2 CAP Incentive Program:
Projects will be selected based on benefit to SB 535 and AB 1550 communities, eligiblity under the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines, and community input. The District will prioritize zero-emission equipment projects. The Year 2 projects were administered in accordance with the Community Air Protection Incentives Program Policy and Procedures:
Policy and Procedures CAP IncentivesFebruary 17, 2022 - Additional award letters for Year 2 projects mailed.
Marysville Joint Unified School District CAP 2-4 2-5City of Marysville CAP 2-10February 16, 2022 - The District received approval from CARB on the Stationary Diesel Engines Emission Reductions Project Plan (2021-02SSP-FR).
Final Ch 6 Project Plan Stationary Engines.pdfApproval Letter for FRAQMD.pdfApproval Notice_FRAQMD.pdfDecember 14, 2020 CAP Incentives Year 2 award letters:
MJUSD CAP Year 2 Award LetterBeale EVSE Award LetterInitial Applications Posted April 20, 2020 for ten day public review
The District has received the following applications as of April 20, 2020, and hereby posts them for public review and comment. After the ten day public posting, the District will submit the list to the California Air Resources Board along with a request for funds disbursement. Comments on the initial list can be emailed to Messages may also be left by phone at (530) 634-7659 ext 210 or by mail/drop off at 541 Washington Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991 Attn: CAP Incentives.
- Marysville Joint Unified School District proposes to replace five diesel-fueled school buses with five new, cleaner diesel fueled school buses. The buses operate within the disadvantaged community. The request is for $824,998.70.
- The U.S. Air Force proposes to install seven dual head electric vehicle charging stations at Beale Air Force Base. The station locations are within the low-income community on the base. The request is for $304,008.00.
- The City of Marysville submitted multiple projects for initial consideration, all within the disadvantaged community:
- In the On Road Heavy Duty category, the City may replace a wildland fire truck and/or a brush truck for up to $820,000.00.
- In the Off Road category, the City may replace stationary diesel engines, a forklift, and/or three wheeled segways for up to $420,000.
- In the Infrastructure category, the City may install 3-5 electric vehicle charging stations at an estimated cost of $100,000.
CAP Incentives Year 2 Applications:
General Application fillable.pdfOn Road Vehicle fillable.pdfOff Road Application fillable.pdf
CAP Year 2 Program Flyers:
Air Filtration At Schools Flyer.pdfZero Emission Infrastructure Flyer.pdfZero Emission Lawn Garden at Schools Flyer.pubFor more information on the CAP Incentive Funds, please contact Sondra Spaethe at (530) 634-7659 ext 210, or email, or visit CARB's website: